
Ingeborg Brüll

"Inge is the slop bucket."
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
And .. I was staying at a doctor's who had six children and he arranged .. for me to stay. I was .. first I was in Borspeg .. there I worked as a educator. There were large dormitories there. The girls were older and I had to enforce discipline.. also during meals and so on. And they.. often they threw away jam and all kinds of things. I often took some of the leftovers because we didn't get those kinds of things. Sister Elisabeth once said to me: "Inge is the slop bucket." Because I always.. when there was something left over I took it. Yes, and then I had a horrible rash covering almost my whole body. It was terrible. I even had to go to hospital. Yes, it's too much to tell everything. Anyway, I was - first with six children, then I was with four. That was.. with a family called Parin - they had good biscuits. At the time.. we only had bad biscuits otherwise. Where they were from? From Walde! Horrible. Yes, they were really bad. Then I - yes, that's how it was - I was there then and they had four children. And when I was there.. .. Mr. Parin came home to me, to the room we had there. He wanted to know where I was from and so on. And they were very kind to me I mean, the six children were - they were also very kind to me but my mother couldn't take it anymore because I had to - I had to work terribly.. I had to work so much and was still quite young. In the mornings I had to make the beds, get the children ready and make breakfast. That's what I had to do. They went to a school, like a Montessori school, and we brought them lunch and then - in the afternoon we brought the children there and picked them up again. I mean.. mother always saw how - then she - she had something for me. But I didn't like it there because I didn't know anything like it. There was one child and I had to learn the ropes and where that child.. I wasn't allowed to - She was a painter and he worked for the Agence Maritime, a navigation company. Rich people, and I had to.. If I.. If I washed something then I - or if I touched something or blew my nose I had to wash my hands and I thought that I had it better with the others than there.